Trading Leader Reward Program

TOP1 Markets has launched the Trading Leader Rewards program to further encourage trading professionals to share their trading wisdom and skills. In addition to their own trading profits, trading leaders are also rewarded with high levels of cash compensation, which increases as one's earnings rate increases.


  • ≥ 1 months from the date of first deposit
  • Live account net value (excluding credit/ bonus) ≥ $800
  • Return rate exceeded 20% in the previous month.

How can I become a trading leader?

  • 1 Complete your profile information, such as: nickname, profile picture and self-intro.
  • 2 Fill in your email and submit your application.

    * We will contact you within 3 business days, so please wait for the results of your application to be sent to your email.

  • 3 Your profile will be listed in the "Trading Leaders List" under the "Community" page after your application is successfully approved.