Hot spot tracking

  • “Small non-agricultural” once again exceeded expectations
  • Kansas Federal Reserve Ends the Longest "Chairman Hunting Run" of the Century
  • The US Treasury Department will increase the total amount of refinancing auctions by $7 billion

Product Hot Comment

  • Forex
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    EUR/USD -0.71% 1.09378 1.09393
    GBP/USD -0.65% 1.27097 1.2711
    AUD/USD -1.28% 0.65407 0.65399
    USD/JPY 0.38% 143.327 143.277
    GBP/CAD 0.04% 1.69661 1.69592
    NZD/CAD -0.57% 0.81149 0.81102
    📝 Review:The US dollar rose on Wednesday. Investors have shrugged off the impact of Fitch's downgrade of the US credit rating. At the same time, data shows that the US growth of private employment in July exceeded expectations, which also supported the price of the US dollar, indicating the resilience of the labor market.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    USD/JPY 143.376  Buy  Target Price  144.053

  • Gold
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Gold -0.78% 1934.76 1934.67
    Silver -2.65% 23.696 23.696
    📝 Review:Gold prices fell on Wednesday. Data shows that the growth of private employment in the United States exceeded expectations in July, leading to a rise in the US dollar and a strengthening in bond yields. Rising interest rates will ultimately put pressure on gold. In addition, we have also seen a stronger US dollar, with gold prices temporarily trapped below $2000 and above $1900.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Gold 1935.92  Sell  Target Price  1931.17

  • Crude Oil
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    WTI Crude Oil -2.77% 79.499 79.531
    Brent Crude Oil -2.75% 83.334 83.326
    📝 Review:Oil prices closed 2% lower on Wednesday. Despite a historic decline in US crude oil inventories, traders sought safety after a major rating agency downgraded the US government's credit rating.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    WTI Crude Oil 79.524  Buy  Target Price  78.877

  • Indice
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Nasdaq 100 -1.72% 15384.15 15387.45
    Dow Jones -0.75% 35297 35324.6
    S&P 500 -1.05% 4515.25 4517.95
    -2.82% 16674.3 16729
    US Dollar Index 0.61% 102.23 102.2
    📝 Review:The three major US stock indices opened low and closed low. The Dow fell 0.98%, the S&P 500 index fell 1.38%, and the Nasdaq fell 2.17%. The Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index fell 4.2%, Alibaba fell 5%, and Pinduoduo fell nearly 7%. Google, Microsoft, and Amazon all fell more than 2%. American Superconductor made a significant correction, closing down over 29%.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Nasdaq 100 15402.850  Buy  Target Price  15607.70

  • Crypto
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    BitCoin -0.44% 29084.1 29137.7
    Ethereum -0.47% 1833.8 1836.5
    Dogecoin -3.32% 0.07399 0.0741
    📝 Review:From yesterday's overall trend, Bitcoin rebounded relatively strongly. Although there was a price drop in the afternoon, it formed a 30 minute bullish signal. It successfully broke through the resistance ranges of 29144 and 29233 in 30 minutes, but was constrained by the pressure of the 4-hour moving average. If the buying point is established, there is a great opportunity to break through the suppression of the moving average. The buying target can be seen at 30500, so short selling needs to be cautious.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    BitCoin 29125.5  Buy  Target Price  29354.1

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