Hot spot tracking

  • Cleveland Fed President Mester: Market expectations for interest rate cuts are "slightly ahead" of the Fed's
  • U.S. Secretary of Defense announces multinational action to protect Red Sea trade
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin extends crude oil price cap sales ban

Product Hot Comment

  • Forex
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    EUR/USD 0.25% 1.09235 1.09223
    GBP/USD -0.21% 1.26463 1.26498
    AUD/USD 0.11% 0.67093 0.67053
    USD/JPY 0.43% 142.79 142.798
    GBP/CAD 0.01% 1.6944 1.69416
    NZD/CAD 0.37% 0.83219 0.8318
    📝 Review:The Bank of Japan begins a two-day policy meeting on Monday (December 18). Markets are focused on any further signals about a possible shift in the Bank of Japan's ultra-loose monetary stance.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    USD/JPY 142.735  Sell  Target Price  142.156

  • Gold
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Gold 0.36% 2027.17 2027.59
    Silver -0.21% 23.783 23.78
    📝 Review:On Monday (December 18), changes in the interest rates of central banks and changes in the amount of gold held by various countries have highlighted the safe-haven function of gold. The precious metal, currently hovering above $2020 an ounce, remains buoyed by growing hopes that the global tightening cycle has ended.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Gold 2027.56  Sell  Target Price  2014.80

  • Crude Oil
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    WTI Crude Oil 1.00% 72.893 72.92
    📝 Review:Oil prices rose more than 1% on Monday as investors worried about disruptions to maritime trade and supply costs after Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthi rebel group attacked ships in the Red Sea. Earlier in the session, both benchmarks were up nearly $3 a barrel.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    WTI Crude Oil 72.795  Buy  Target Price  74.437

  • Indice
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Nasdaq 100 0.49% 16706.55 16714.35
    Dow Jones -0.06% 37287 37280.4
    S&P 500 0.32% 4736.55 4738.65
    📝 Review:The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose slightly, the S&P 500 Index closed up 0.45%, and the Nasdaq Composite Index closed up 0.61%. Nvidia (NVDA.O) and Google A (GOOGL.O) both rose 2.4%. The Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index fell 0.9%, NIO (NIO.N) rose 4.7%, New Oriental (EDU.N) rose more than 5%, and Bilibili (BILI.O) fell 4.6%.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Nasdaq 100 16711.950  Buy  Target Price  16772.850

  • Crypto
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    BitCoin 2.21% 42572.8 42476.9
    Ethereum -0.06% 2208.7 2205.5
    Dogecoin -1.51% 0.09138 0.09126
    📝 Review:Looking at the overall trend, the Bitcoin market is dominated by the short side. At around 1 o'clock in the morning yesterday, it rebounded and tried to break through the 30-minute 233 moving average. However, the market kept pins up and down at this position. In the end, there was no strong breakthrough, which then caused the market to fall all the way along the 30-min 5 moving average today. At present, it can be observed that the 30min has formed a consolidation divergence, which resonates with the 4h 144 moving average. There is a demand for at least a 30min rebound. As for whether it will drive the 4h rise, we still need to wait and see.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    BitCoin 42630.9  Buy  Target Price  43152.2

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