Hot spot tracking

  • U.S. CPI rebounded more than expected in December
  • Speech from Fed official prompts reversal of cut rate bets
  • European Central Bank: Will cut interest rates if it is convinced that inflation is heading towards 2%

Product Hot Comment

  • Forex
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    EUR/USD 0.07% 1.0854 1.08468
    GBP/USD -0.07% 1.27013 1.27
    AUD/USD -0.07% 0.65832 0.6576
    USD/JPY 0.29% 148.072 148.099
    GBP/CAD -0.26% 1.7076 1.70827
    NZD/CAD -0.56% 0.8188 0.81927
    📝 Review:The annual rate of U.S. CPI rebounded beyond expectations. According to data, U.S. inflation will accelerate at the end of 2023, challenging market expectations that the Federal Reserve will soon start cutting interest rates.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    USD/JPY 145.227  Buy  Target Price  146.327

  • Gold
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Gold -0.10% 2018.5 2024.78
    Silver -0.43% 22.787 22.905
    📝 Review:Gold prices came under mild bearish pressure on Thursday (January 11), falling below $2,030 per ounce in the second half of trading. Benchmark 10-year Treasury yields rose back above 4% and weighed on gold prices after U.S. data showed annual CPI inflation rose to 3.4% in December.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Gold 2032.91  Buy  Target Price  2047.97

  • Crude Oil
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    WTI Crude Oil 1.34% 78.063 78.64
    Brent Crude Oil 1.65% 83.097 83.345
    📝 Review:On Thursday (January 11), the prospect of escalating conflicts in the Middle East caused market concern after Iran seized an oil tanker off the coast of Oman. Crude oil prices rose by about 1%.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    WTI Crude Oil 73.436  Buy  Target Price  73.927

  • Indice
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Nasdaq 100 -0.01% 17413.55 17363.15
    Dow Jones 0.33% 38105.8 38052.2
    S&P 500 0.10% 4889.5 4880.05
    0.00% 17559.3 17559.3
    US Dollar Index -0.08% 103.09 103.17
    📝 Review:The three major U.S. stock indexes closed nearly flat. Digital currency concept stocks fell sharply on the first day of listing of the Bitcoin spot ETF. Coinbase (COIN.O) closed down 6.6%, Marathon Digital (MARA.O) fell 12.6%, and Riot Blockchain (RIOT.O) fell more than 15%. Microsoft (MSFT.O) once surpassed Apple (AAPL.O) in intraday market value to become the "biggest brother in market value", with closing market values of US$2.86 trillion and US$2.89 trillion respectively. The Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index closed up 1%, Huya (HUYA.N) rose nearly 8%, and Alibaba (BABA.N) rose more than 1%.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Nasdaq 100 16810.950  Buy  Target Price  16900.350

  • Crypto
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    BitCoin -0.31% 41958.9 41813.5
    Ethereum -0.21% 2256.5 2242.7
    Dogecoin -1.26% 0.079 0.07851
    📝 Review:Looking at the overall trend, the Bitcoin market is clearly dominated by many parties. The market began to rebound during the day and broke through 47,000 points again in the evening. Then it is the same as what was said yesterday: wait patiently for a 30-minute rebound to see if it can reach 47,000 points. Now that the market has reached this point, the next step is to observe whether it is firm. If it is firm, it will inevitably break through 48,000 points.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    BitCoin 46257.1  Buy  Target Price  47905.2

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